The art of Feminine
healing arts
My intention is to provide a safe space to find your voice and your truth.
A judgment free space where we celebrate your joy, your sorrow, and everything else in between.
A space where you can freely express yourself through dance, writing, and conversation by simply showing up.
A space where you can fully focus on creating a better relationship with yourself, surrounded by a loving and inclusive Comunity of women.
“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”

Retreat Experiences
Our retreats offer the space and community for healing and self exploration. Enjoy a weekend of movement and expression in a supportive environment designed for the ultimate retreat experience.
1. provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
ABOUT OUR TEA Collection
“The first cup moistens my lips and throat.
The second shatters my loneliness.
The third causes the wrongs of life to fade gently from my recollection.
The fourth purifies my soul.
The fifth lifts me to the realms of the unwinking gods”
Chinese Mystic, Tang Dynasty
Nourish was born in the kitchen table of our house, having a conversation with my kids during COVID staycations (LOL), we together created the name logo.
My love for seeping tea comes probably comes since childhood. I remember growing up at my grandmother’s house, we weren’t allow to drink coffee until we grow up.
My grandma will prepare coffee for the adults and tea for the kids during breakfast time on the weekends. Her teas were any combination of citrus peels, herbs, flowers or fruits.
The offers for her tea were beyond breakfast time, she would make tea for sore throat, stomach aches, headache, menstrual craps, stress and broken hearts.
Probably something that I try hard to follow with my kids even been away from home and with different natural resources.
My kids and I crated this collection of delicious teas, we blended them, we tasted them and blend them again if necessary, some of them are inspired by traditional blends and some of them are or personal favorites, even the coffee drinker at home ( Mike) now try our teas. We blend small batches, which make our teas very unique.
We picked the name, created the logo, name the teas and of course we drink a lot of them in the process.
If you are a long time tea drinker, if you like black, white, green, herbal, oolong, puer, rooibos or if you are curious about finding out your preferences, we have a blend that you will love!!
I hope you enjoy our tea collection as much as we enjoyed making it with you in mind.
My love for plants comes from my grandma and my dad, I grew up waking up to my grandma singing and watering her plants very early in the mornings.
I remember her front patio full of beautiful flowers, of many colors, she will give a little cuttings of some of them to the neighbors or to whoever ask her for it, that is how a learn very young the names of plants, herbs and flowers.
At home we have 3 cats and one dog, and My intention at the beginning was to regulate the dust and animal shedding, by bringing more plants inside, later on I discovered that house plant not only help to regulate dust and purified the air, but as well bring this sense of been closer to nature, plants bring piece and contentment and if it wasn’t enough make spaces look beautiful.
I started propagating some of my babies, mixing my own soil, creating my own fungicide, plant food. One day they were too many plants at home and I decide to bring them to my office. My clients started buying them and today I have 2 small spaces in Houston where I sell rare and collectable plants, that I grow myself at home.
I am currently hold a license to grow and distribute plants with the Texas department of agriculture.

Bachelorettes, birthdays and private parties available.